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SoundEngine - Darkness Falls by Ammeris Gill

SoundEngine - Darkness Falls by Ammeris Gill

Here is a list of the sounds contained on this CD-ROM:

Sound Effects: BoneBreak, Bonghit, CmonGuys, Compressed, CompuNet, Crraassh, DentistDriller, DownInIt, Drowning, FallingDownSucks, GlassCrassh, InsideTheVinyl, MetalTwister, Plink Pock, RadioDD, RevTricity, RumbleAndHiss, RunAway, SawedThru, ScaryScreamer, ScreamMoFo, StopYelling, Subway, SweepingGlass, The Boom1, The Boom2, The Boom3, TheCrowd, TheScientist, VinylTerror, Weather

Synth Loops: 404Loop1_125, 404Loop2FX_125, 404Loop2_125, 404Loop3_125, 404Loop4_125, 404Loop4A1_125, 404Loop4C_125, 404Loop4D_125, 404Loop4E_125, AnalogPunch_130, BladeRaceLoop, BladeRace, BladeRace2, Boodawoodabap, EP Scarinme_140, fraggin_150, HitmeHard_120, Hmmm_150, Jungle take, JustLovely_120, MetalRyme2_130, MetalRyme2Long_130, PungentAye, SawBassline_140, SoundGone_120, Subprogram_132, Synth chug, TBagain_136, TBclown_145, TBclownAround_140, TBwaxme_142, TBwentCrazy_126, TBwhyFilt_132, The Price, Tiglet, UnderMoog_150

Synthesis: AdarkPlace, AnalChopper, AnalogBuzz, AnnaLogg, Asylum6669, Avocatory, BassVocal_A1, BassVocal_A2, BassVocal_A3, BassVocal_C2, BassVocal_C3, bingfuka, BounceDown, Bunson, BunsonLong, Buzzed, CaveDweller, ChancedIt, ChildsHate_C, ChopedPlay, Climbing, ColdTeK303_C, Compunction, CompuRatHole, Conflux, CreateThis, CryingPain_C1, CryingPain_C3, CryingPain_C5, DanceAlien, danman, DarkChoired, DeathStar, DeepRamble, DeLaOB_C, DemonVox_C, Diffusion, DissedBuddy1, DissedBuddy2, Dissimulate, DogandFish, Dreaming_C, Droening_C, DroneOnBye_C, duner, EeesDead, ElvisScream, ether, evilvoce, EvilVoice1, EvilVoice2, FattyPad_C, FilterBass1, FilterBass2, Finality_B, Flashback1_C, Flashback2_C, Flashback3_C, Flashback4_C, Flashback5_C, Flashback6_C, Frute_C, Gills5th_C, GlassDead, GlassOrgan_C2, Glistening_C, GoingDown, GoingDown2, HarpiesSaw_C, HebaHooba_C, HellsBells, HelsWave, Hmm_E3, IntheRingMod, IntoTheVoid, jacob, Jiminfinite_C, JmJoK_C, JumpedIt_E1, Jumpit, Kalidescope, Klyng, Kooze, LaTimes, LiquidSkye_C, LustyBox, Mammey1, Metalic_C1, Metalic_C2, MetalPlate, Metalwash, Mettaliscratch, OutoftheGut, OxyHydro, Playtime, PodRacingC1, PodRacingC3, PolyFlanged, Pongo, PsychoSawPad_C, PsychoSaw_C, Qwesting_C1, Qwesting_C2, Raptor, SampleandHold_C2, Sawchopper, SawedTapeEcho, SawYouInHalf, SayNo_C, ShutDown_C1, ShutDown_C3, SkinnysRamp_C, SoftSweep_C1, SomethingWicked, Sotimotoe_D, Spooky, SquareDrv, SquaredOff, SteepDrop, StingingEye, StrangeDays, StrobeMode, StrungOut, SynthyHarpy1, SynthyHarpy2, TheBorg, TheEnigma, TheKrell, ThroughtheGlass, TooMuch, Transist, Troompett_C1, Troompett_C2, Troompett_C3, Viewed Plaid, VoocalSync, WallOfPain, Warped, WaspUp, WavyGravy_G#3, Weeper, WindPipe1, WindPipe2, WindPipe3, WindPipe4, WiredSweep, X=16+I_C5, X=16+I_C4

Vocal tids: Aahh, Aahh2, AltarDi, ArtofAnatomy, A**hole, Assss, Attitude, Auschwits, Badnightmare, BiNgO, Bugaboo2, BurntFlesh, BurntFlesh2, Chiamata, CrazyWorld, DontForgetMe, DontForgetMeVoc, Dontstop, Findher, ForgetMe, gETOUT, GodThatsFunny, gotohell, HearIt, hereWego, HoHo, Hookedonit, Hypnotic, imexcited, Intensity, ItsRaining, Killer, Knockup, LaughinChurch, LeaveAlone, LooK out, Love, Marijune, Monkey, Newsagain, Newyear, Notnormal, Notnormal2, OhMyGod, OhMyGod1, Shackel, SmellFlesh, Surgery, Terribilis, ThatsTheOne, TheOne, WeAllFall

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